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The Earth can be a better place if we join our hands together to make it happen because, the New World is not a newly created or previously prepared planet. It is rather newly refreshed minds. "Behold, I make all things new."


Our main mission is to make this World a sweetable place to live in for all. We need a green, secure and a home to human kind and all other creatures.

In order to achieve these goals, we work with the administrative institutions, AMEN CHURCH and many other religions which recognize themselves in this vision, NGO's and Associations, public figures, artists and individuals like you with a dream to see a more positive change in the World.

It all begins with you. If you understand that the World becomes what we make it to be and you are tired of all the politico-religious dramas and fairy tales, you will join us by being the change where you are. Feel free to contact us and ask questions about what you want to fully understand. Share the knowledge with your friends, family and colleagues. Together, we can change the World. Let's get together and make this brand New World by refreshing our minds and restoring our moral values. A BRAND NEW WORLD IS ONLY POSSIBLE WITH PEOPLE WITH A BRAND NEW MIND.

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Donate to help this Movement go forward. Click on Donate on the top of this page for more info.


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Latest Project

We are still working on this website to improve it.

We are collaborating with the local authorities on how we can work together to reduce the homelessness rate to zero in the Netherlands. We will not stop here because The New World Vision is a worldwide organization. We are looking forward to opening representations in other countries. Click Donate to fund this noble initiative.

It is not yet time to donate. We will let you know.

News 2

For the time being, you can only contact us using our email adress.


The New World Vision is a moral organization that was inspired by the book “The Key To The New World”. The New World Vision is the establishment or the restoration of the moral values that seemed to have been trampled on by modern societies. It is the answer to many unanswered dogmas that seemed to have pushed many people to question the scriptures. The New World Vision gives a sense to what seemed to be senseless to the intellectual of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. The New World Vision is the answer to many social irregularities in both the developed and under development countries. The New World vision is the UNITY, PEACE and STABILITY project.

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